Book of articles “Sultanivski Chytannia”

ISSN 2415-3885 (online)

ISSN 2313-5921 (print)

 Book of articles “Sultanivski Chytannia” is an annual officially registered in Ukraine scientific serial, which has been given an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number).

It has been established by Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University for publishing the results of the researches in scope of literary criticism and methods of teaching literature.

Its aim is to contribute to the development of literary criticism in Ukraine in the system correlation with modern humanity sphere evolution within the framework of organic combination of the theory-methodological experience with its possible practical application in scientific (literary criticism and philology) and educational activity (methods of teaching the philological disciplines – first of all literary criticism – in the educational institutions of all the levels of accreditation).

Since 2015 book of articles “Sultanivski Chytannia” has 2 separate editions: electronic edition (framed according to the international requirements) and a printed one (identical in content but with the reduced amount of referential and informative material).


Issues Archive :

Issue 1   Issue 2   Issue 3   Issue 4  Issue 5  Issue 6  Issue 7  Issue 8  Issue 9 Issue 10 Issue 11

Reviews of Sultanivski Chytannia

Brayko O. Why Should One Write Reviews and Get Involved in Discussions . Slovo i Chas. 2019. No. 4. P.90-96. (in Ukrainian) Read
Olander L. Regarding O. Brayko’s Review on the 6th Issue of  “Sultanov Proceedings”. Slovo i Chas. 2019. No. 4. P.88-89. (in Ukrainian) Read

Brayko O. Pecarpathian book of articles and the problems of Ukrainian literary criticism [Prykarpatskyi zbirnyk i problemy ukrainskoho literaturoznavstva]. Slovo i Chas. 2018. No. 7. С.101-112. (in Ukrainian) Read

Kharlan O.D.(2017) “Topical and innovative scientific project” [Aktualnyi i novatorskyi naukovyi proekt] Naukovi zapysky Berdianskoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu. Seriia: Filolohichni nauky No. ХІІ., pp.233-234. (in Ukrainian)  Read

Vasileva O. V. (2017) “The unification of the forces of the Slavic literary scholars” [“Obedinenie sil slavianskikh literaturovedov”] Nevskyi almanakh, No 4(96), pp. 38-39. (in Russian)  Read

Kraweć, J. (2017) “Sultanivs’ki čitannâ. Sułtaniwski czytannia. Sultanivski chytannia. Zbiór artykułów. Edycja IV”. Podkarpacki Uniwersytet Narodowy imienia Wasyla Stefanyka. Instytut filologii: 2015, 208 s., Granice. Półrocznik poświęcony literaturze i kulturze, No 1., pp. 92-99. (in Polish)  Read

Oliander, L. (2017) “Book of articles “Sultanivski Chytannia”: directions and concepts” [“Sbornik nauchnykh rabot “Sultanovskie chteniia”: napravlenie i kontceptualnost”], Uchenye zapiski Kazanskogo universiteta. Seriia gumanitarnye nauki, Vol. 159 book 1, pp. 292-298 (in Russian)  Read

Oliander, L. (2017) “Interliterary dialogues” [“Mezhliteraturnye dialogi”], Belaia vezha, No 4(43) pp. 101-103. (in Russian)  Read

Moklytsia, V. (2015) “Precarpathian collection and around it [Sultanivski Chytannia: book of articles]” [“Prykarpatskyi zbirnyk i dovkola noho [Sultanivski chytannia: zbirnyk statei]”], Slovo i Chas, No.10, pp. 109-112. (in Ukrainian)  Read


Editorial Board: tel. +380342596144; e-mail:

Kozlyk Ihor (Igor) Volodymyrovych – Head of the Editorial Board


room 405, Humanities Building,
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
57, Shevchenka Str.