Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D Tamara Tkachuk
Education background
In May – October 2022, I passed a scientific internship at the Faculty of Polish Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow
November 28, 2017- December 29, 2017 I passed professional training at the Department of World Literature at Ivan Franko National University in Lviv. Reference 82-B dated 10.01.2018, order No. B-1211 of November 23, 2017
In 2015, I was awarded the rank of Associated Professor of the Department of World Literature and Comparative Literature.
In 2011, I defended Ph.D. thesis on the topic: “Stanislaw Przybyszewski and Ukrainian Literature at the end of 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries: reception and typology” in the specialty “10.01.05 – Comparative Literature” under the supervision of Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor V. G. Matviishyn in the specialized academic council of the V. Hnatyuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University (official opponents: Ph. D., Prof. E. K. Nakhlik, Ph. D., Associate Professor V. V. Budny).
In 2005, completed the course of “Ideology, Human Rights and Problems of Understanding” (Warsaw).
In 2002, I completed the course of “Organization and management of Education” (Rzeszów),
In 1999-2001, I studied at the postgraduate level at the Department of World Literature of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
In 2001, I completed internship in Poland in the course of “Polish Tradition and Culture with Elements of Dance” (Lublin),
In 1999, I graduated with honours from the Philology faculty of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, received the qualification of a Philologist, Teacher of the Polish Language and Literature, Ukrainian Language and Literature, Master of Philology.
Didactic activity
Up to now, I conduct lectures on the following courses: History of Polish Literature. Middle Ages. Renaissance. Baroque. Enlightenment. Young Poland. The interwar twenties. Foreign Literature. Romanticism. Realism.
In 2017 – 2019 – member of the specialized academic council for the PhD theses in the specialty “10.01.01 – Ukrainian Literature” and “10.01.05 –Comparative Literature”.
In 2018, expert of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the Polish language.
Scientific-pedagogical experience – 21 years.
From 2006, I have been working as a lecturer in the Department of World Literature and Comparative Literature.
In 2002 – 2006, worked as an assistant at the Department of World Literature of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
In 2003 – 2005, worked as a methodist of the Polish language Department of Education
and Science of Ivano-Frankivsk City Executive Committee.
In 1999 – 2006, worked as a teacher of the Polish and Ukrainian language and literature at secondary school No. 14, after reorganization at gymnasium No. 2.
Scientific interests
Glottodidactics, comparative studies, literary studies, translation studies.
Main publications
- Tkachuk T. Expressionism in the short prose by Vasyl Stefanyk and Stanislaw Przybyszewski. Vasyl Stefanyk: approach: [collection of articles] / edited by S. Horoba. Ivano-Frankivsk: City of NV, 2017. P. 249–270.
- Tkachuk T. Perception of the modernist ideas of Stanislaw Przybyszewski by the Ukrainian literary studies. The Precarpathian journal of the T. Shevchenko Scientific Society. Ivano-Frankivsk: Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 2017. Issue 3 (39). P. 355–365.
- Tkachuk T. Ukrainian women writers of the “break of the ages” about S. Przybyszewski: epistolary discourse. The Precarpathian journal of the T. Shevchenko Scientific Society. Slovo. 2(54). Ivano-Frankivsk, 2019. P. 229–236.
- Tkachuk T. Mykola Gogol and Stanislaw Przybyszewski: typological aspect. in: Beyond Divisions. Common perspectives and aspirations in the Polish-Ukrainian scientific cooperation. Silesia, 2020. P. 110–115.
- Тkachuk T. Musical inspirations in Truth of the Old Age – the first part of Stanisław Vincenz’s tetralogy. in: Language Guide ELIPSA Publishing House. Warsaw 2022. P. 289–300.
- Nazaruk S, Budnyk O, Ruszkowska M, Dąbrowska I, Sokołowska B, Tkachuk T. Opening Polish Schools to Ukrainian Refugee Children and Providing Them with Spiritual Support: Survey Results. Religions. 2024; 15(6):651.
- Tkachuk T. Ukrainian and Polish Dioscuri. Dioscuri: harmony-friendship-brotherhood. Red. O.Płaszczewska, W. Ryczek. Kraków: Avalon, 2024. P. 249-262.
I am the author of about 38 articles in scientific and popular journals, published 4 methodological books for students on the history of the Polish literature and comparative literature, and Ukrainian and Polish cultural relations.
Performs supervision on the course, diploma and master works within the scientific topic of the department: “The literary process and creative individuality of the writer: comparative and theoretical-literary aspects”.
1.International scientific conference “The critical function of the humanities, namely philosophy, pedagogy and literary studies”, Kazimyr Dolny, September 26-27, 2021.
2.International Scientific Congress “Vasyl Stefanyk and World Culture”, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the writer’s birth, Rusiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, May 14-15, 2021
3.International scientific conference “Cultural heritage of the change of centuries”, Gozów Wielkopolski, Poland, May 12-13, 2021.
- 4. All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “The 7th Sultanov Ukrainian literary Czech studies in the immanent, comparative and methodological-literary plane”, October 27, 2021, Ivano-Frankivsk
5.International Scientific Conference “Media Challenges of Wartime”, Technical and Humanitarian Academy in Bielsko-Biała (Republic of Poland) November 18, 2022
- International Scientific Conference “Dioscuri: Consent, Friendship, Brotherhood”. Jagiellonian University and Polish Academy of Arts (PAU). April, 2022.
- International Scientific Conference “Problems of Interrelationship between Art and Education”. Jakub of Paradyż Academy, Trzęszcz, September, 2023, 2024.
- International Scientific Conference “Challenges of the Scientific Environment Regarding the War in Ukraine”. Institute of Logistics and Department of Military Training of the Military Technical Academy in Warsaw. Okuninka, November, 2024.
Grants and scholarships
From 12 August to 12 October 2021 – scientific internship at the International Educational Grant No. IEG/U/2021/08/12 from the International Historical Biographical Institute (Dubai – New York – Rome –Jerusalem – Beijing) and participated in the 2nd International Scientific Internship Program “Outstanding Personalities: Studying Experience and Transforming of the World”, which took place in Dubai – New York – Rome – Jerusalem – Beijing
In September – December 2022 – scholarship from the Polish Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
In May – October 2022 – scientific internship at the Faculty of Polish Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow
In September – December 2022, in September – December 2023 – scholarship from the Polish Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Member of the editorial board of «Studies of Education and Didactics».
September 2024 – September 2024, participation in the International Project “The Impact of the War Situation on the Education and Behavior of Students of Ukrainian Origin Studying in Poland and Ukraine” (25.09.2023-21.08.2024). Biala Podlaska, funded by the International Academic Exchange Agency NAWA.
EP “Polish language and literature. Philology”
EC “History of Polish literature” (І course, ІІ semester)
EC “History of Polish literature” (ІІ course, ІІІ semester)
EC “History of Polish literature” (ІІІ course, VI semester)
EC “Foreign literature” (ІV course, VII semester)
EC “Educational (folklore-literary-local literature history) practice” (І course, ІІ semester)
EP “Secondary education (Polish language and literature)”
EC “History of Polish literature” (ІІ course, ІІІ semester)
EC “History of Polish literature” (ІІ course, ІV semester)
EC “History of Polish literature” (ІІІ course, VI semester)
EC “Foreign literature” (ІV course, VII semester)
EC “Educational (folklore-literary-local literature history) practice” (І course, ІІ semester)
EP “Ukrainian language and literature. Philology”
EC “Foreign literature” (ІV course, VII semester)
EP “Secondary education (Ukrainian language and literature)”
EC “Foreign literature” (ІV course, VII semester)
EP “Czech language and literature. Philology”
EC “Foreign literature” (ІV course, VII semester)
EP “English language and literature. Philology”
EC “Foreign literature” (ІІ course, ІV semester)
EP “German language and literature. Philology”
EC “Foreign literature” (ІІ course, ІV semester)
EP “French language and literature. Philology”
Tel.: (0342) 59-61-44